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Sample Bar Mitzvah Hourly Party Plan

All times are estimates! Sample party time below: 7:00 -11:00 pm Use this sample timeline when you meet with your DJ and your Caterer to get everyone on the same page.

Planning Tools & Tips
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Click the button at the bottom to download your sample party timeline! Hope it helps!

Photo session with the photographer – invite immediate family, grandparents, siblings. If there are cousins you want for this session – invite them half-an-hour later – they don’t need to be there the whole time! Make sure you have a list for the photographer to keep it moving quickly.

7:00 – 8:00
Cocktail hour – 45 minutes to an hour
Kids with DJ on dance floor

Credit: Michael Rosser Photography

Adults in separate room/area for cocktail hour (nice time to talk to your friends before all the dancing really begins!)

Family Introductions (guests form 2 lines as you are ‘officially’ introduced into the party)
Determine songs you want for your intro

8:00 – 8:15
Four or five high energy songs to keep the guests on the dance floor
No welcome speeches yet, no hamotzi, no line dancing, no games, just current high-energy songs to keep adults AND kids on the dance floor while the energy is super high and you have everyone up!

Welcome, hamotzi

8:15 – 9:10
Adults eat (buffets open or salads on table ready for dinner),
Kids eat for 30 seconds (seriously!), then continue to dance and do games
Take kids group photo

Montage (do the montage toward the end of dinner while most adults are still sitting)

Father/daughter or Mother/son dance

Set up Dessert

Credit: Atlanta Mitzvah Photography

9:45 – 11
Dance party
(If applicable, set up favors around 10:30)

Where did the time go????  What a night!

Credit: JS Photography


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